Off to School: The Twin Edition

KW POMBA Admin/ August 31, 2023/ Monthly Blog Posts

It hit me square in the face this morning that my twins are starting school in a few days. My 3.5 year old BABIES are going to be away for six hours a day, Monday to Friday. This will be the first time in years that our house will be quiet. There won’t be a steady stream of questions or

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Spring has Sprung and I’m Trading Tylenol for Tulips

KW POMBA Admin/ April 28, 2023/ Monthly Blog Posts

For the past six months our house has been a revolving door of sickness and I am not okay! Having multiples is awesome for many reasons, but the amount of germs and illnesses that have plagued our house this fall and winter is down right unfair. Our twins share everything: their room, their clothes, their respiratory infections, their stomach bugs… 

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Getting Off The Struggle Bus

KW POMBA Admin/ March 12, 2023/ Monthly Blog Posts

If you told me three years ago that one day life would feel manageable again, I wouldn’t believe you. I would have laughed in your face actually, followed by uncontrollable sobbing, interrupted only to hydrate and caffeinate. We were very new into life as parents of three kids; a two year old and newborn twins.  When I found out that

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